DIY Incredibles Costumes with Iron-ons

The Incredibles – they’re cute, they’re funny, they’re family friendly – and they make for REALLY easy costumes. Did I mention I made these DIY Incredibles costumes for our family of 3 for $33.01 in less than the span of 1 toddler nap?

Our neighbors had a super-hero themed first birthday party for their sun this weekend and I wanted to make us costumes on the cheap, but to be honest, I didn’t want to spend much time making elaborate costumes. Cue fabric transfer paper. These Incredibles costumes were so easy to make, I just may do a different iron-on costumes every halloween. They’re perfect for adults and kids alike.

Here’s what you need for DIY Incredibles Costumes:

To Prepare the Logo

  1. Download the Incredibles logo here:
  2. Convert the eps file to a pdf here
  3. Open the Avery online designer here and choose “Fabric Transfers” from the panel on the left. Then, select “3279 8 1/2″ x 11” Dark T-Shirt Transfers. Use the blank portrait template (It’s the first one).
  1. Upload the logo by selecting “Image > Add Image” from the left panel.
  2. Resize as needed. Since we don’t need the words “The Incredibles”, it’s ok if it goes outside the bounds. I wanted mine to be about 8″ wide, so I sized it so that the edges of the logo were at the dotted line.

When you’re ready, click “Preview and print”. You should print it on regular paper first and hold it up to the t-shirt to make sure it’s the size you want. When you’re satisfied, go ahead and print it on the fabric transfer paper. It says it can only be used to an inkjet printer, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: I used a laser printer and nobody died.

To Transfer the logo to your t-shirts

Step 1: Cut out the logo. Leave a little bit of white around the edges.

Next, Iron your pillowcase and T-shirts. I’m not totally sure, why this is necessary, but the instructions that come with the transfer paper say to do it, so I did it.

Put your t-shirt on and mark with a pen where you want the logo to be (don’t worry, we’ll cover the mark with the logo.

Place the t-shirt on top of the pillow case (not while you’re wearing it, obviously).

Carefully peel off the back of the printed logo and place it FACE UP on the t-shirt, where you’ve marked it. Place a sheet of tissue paper on top of it (it comes with the fabric transfer paper.

Iron from left to right, top to bottom repeatedly for one minute – don’t go back and forth, or you might get wrinkles.

Place aside to cool for 2-3 minutes. Then, carefully pull up a corner of the tissue paper. If the artwork peels up, place it back down and iron again. Otherwise, carefully peel the rest off, and you’re done!

You’re supposed to wait 24 hours and then wash them inside out before where, but who has time for that? Not me! We wore them about 2 hours after ironing and everything was fine!

Here are all the items I used for this project: